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There’s just something about August, it’s always been a month of renewal, like my year has just gotten a second lease of life, or more like a swift kick up the ass.  After wasting the better part of the previous month indulging in selfish introspection, I wake up to find that the world has been going on with its business, unmoved by my peculiar and insignificant little dramas, that realisation spurring me to sudden bursts of activity in an attempt to get back into the swing of things.  Thing is, this blind instinct to do something, anything, often ends up with me doing something, or someone, quite foolish.  Last year it was Disappearing Dude, the year before it was a ill planned change in address, I can’t remember what I did the year before that, but I’m willing to guess it was not smart.  On the up side though, said foolishness gives me fodder for another long year of pointless ruminating, and that’s always fun no?  No.  This year, I plan on avoiding the August screw up.  This year, August shall be the month I do nothing.   No really, nothing. 

Hang on a minute while I go delete my dating profiles…  Kidding.

I must extend sincere apologies to all and sundry, I didn’t post on Wednesday, not because I was swamped with work and/or other, I simply had nothing to say and if there’s one thing I’ve learnt it’s to shut up when you have nothing to say.  Folks, I fear I’m all talked out.  Wait, that’s not entirely true, I have a stack of half finished drafts on all manner of crap ranging from cooking to threesomes, but I can’t seem to get any of them done.  It would appear that all I want to do right now is… nothing.  Stop frowning, this is a good thing, I talk too damn much most of the time so count your blessings and enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.

Which brings me to the soundtrack, Sheryl Crow’s ‘A change will do you good’, my default August song (yes, I have specific songs for certain months, yes, I know how strange that sounds, and no, I’m not entirely unstable).  Now Ms Crow and I have a bit of a history (all entirely in my head, but that’s why I’m the stalker and she’s on TV no?), I started listening to her back in 1995, during my ‘women rock’ phase, triggered in part by Alanis, of course.  For whatever reason, Ms Crow’s unique brand of sunny California and dark Nashville struck a chord, to this day ‘My favourite mistake’ is still attached to a former sweetheart, but that’s a story for another day.  Today it’s all about making a change, because it’s like she says, ‘a change will do you good…’  The thing I love most about rock is that the lyrics are often so odd that you never really figure the song out, or is it that you keep reinterpreting it as you go along?  10 years ago I took this song to mean that I needed to break out of my shy girl shell and live it up, now I’m reading the lyrics and thinking its all about being real.  Its rock, take whatever you want out of it. 

I’ll be back on the 15th, 10.00 pm, GMT +3hrs.  Be good my lovelies.  As before, don’t break anything while I’m gone.

“Hello, it’s me, I’m not at home,
If you’d like to reach me, leave me alone…”

That’s the song, I’m not being rude or anything.